Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Advance Medical Directive Act

Advance health care directives, also known as advance directives or advance decisions, are instructions given by individuals specifying what actions should be taken for their health in the event that they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity. This means that for example the person signs an agreement, sometimes in the form of a will, saying that if one day he had an accident had went into a coma, his doctor would do what is stated on the agreement, either give him treatment or give him euthanasia. The plus side about AMD is that it is an agreement entirely of the person's free will, so he decides on what will be done to him should he face an event that disables his ability to make decisions.
The main difference between AMD and euthanasia is that AMD stops the prolonging of a human's life, but does not necessarily mean that it will end the person's life, while euthanasia is the process in which the person's life is ended.
The main good point abou AMD is that many seriously ill persons are not competent to make decisions about their care. For this reason many states have passed laws that encourage advance health care directives. By means of such a document, you are able to determine now about the kind of treatment you wish to receive should you become incompetent to make those determinations at the time of your illness.
However, the negative side of AMD is that firstly, the terminally ill person may still want to live on although he wrote he would be put to sleep in a will that's, say, 2 years ago. One possible negative side about AMD is that even when the person changes his mind, he may be unable to tell the doctor about it and what will happen to him next may not be what he really wants. Also, there are many drama series which simply loves to show scenes of people being forced or blackmailed into signing the AMD so that the blackmailer or the person's children can claim the money in the will. Although it sounds ridiculous, it is still possible that in thrid world countries people will be forced to sign the AMD so that certain gains can be claimed by another person. Although it is a criminal offense, people could settle it under the table without anyone else's awareness and this could avoid the law easily.
Hence, I feel that the issue of AMD should be considered seriously as it is really a matter of life and death.

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