Monday, May 25, 2009

National Service- How can this be amended or improved further to alleviate the problem of dodging?

Once again we bring our attention to NS dodging, where certain NS men-to-be attempt to escape from their "fate" of serving the country AND training themselves for the better.
Firstly, the reason why these men wanted to dodge their NS in the first place needs to be examined. Some people may feel that the NS is too tough for them, and reports of how NS men suddenly collpased during training or getting drowned or got struck by lightning often strike fear in these people's hearts as well. There are also some people who feel that national service is a waste of time for them as they can always use the two years on more "useful" things such as working part-time or further their studies. There are also some who, out of anger at themselves needing to go for NS, blame the foreigners for not needing to serve in national service and yet enjoys the fruits of Singapore's economic success.
But obviously, by looking at these "excuses" the best I can say is "BS" also known as bullsh*t. Firstly, the "danger to self" excuse for dodging NS is just as stupid as saying "I'm afraid to be bitten by mosquitoes in the forest." Of course when you go for national service, you are expected to train your body and mind, it is not as though people are going for holiday chalet or something. The main problem NS-men-to-be have is that they expect national service to be not so harsh.
I feel that there are several things the government can do to improve the current situation where many people just "kiss Singapore goodbye" due to them having to go for national service. One way is the "punishment method", in which the government makes the punishment for dodging NS harsher, so that people will think twice before they decide that they are going to run away from their destiny. Also, when people are punished they tend to remember the incident more clearly, so they will always remember that if they try to dodge NS they will just be faced with harsh consequences.
The second method is the "special case method", which mainly targets those Singaporean talents that have to spend two years on NS instead of having the opportunity to further their abilities. This "special case method" mainly ensures that these talents will have their NS at a later age, or for certain cases, are allowed to not attend their NS. These helps keep Singapore's local talents as there are cases in which some local talents chose the scholarship over NS and in order to prevent themselves from being punished, just leave Singapore completely and become the citizen of another country.
The third method is the "cliched fluff method", in which the government tells the NS-men-to-be how national service is able to help them in their physical and mental development and also rewards those outstanding NS men for their service in the army. However, I don't really think this method will work much as the government is using it all the time and yet there are people who just ignore the words from the government and dodge NS if they want to.
One last point is that a major part is still the NS-men-to-be's own choice. If they choose not to take their NS, there's not much the government can do to really stop them. So the main objective is still to convince the people that they should take NS seriously as it is still the people who will be protecting Singapore in times of need.

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